Healthy Halloween Treats For Ghosts and Ghouls!

I love Halloween and trick or treating. Now that I’m a home owner, I get to give out the treats. This year I wanted to give out treats that weren’t full of corn syrup or GMO ingredients. I went to Whole Foods and found a few good options. Yum Earth Organic lollipops are made with Organic and non-GMO sweeteners as well as real fruit and veggies including, black carrots, black currants, apple, carrot, and pumpkin. I tasted one and it was really good, the sweetness was just right! Each pop contains 100% Vitamin C as well, bonus Smile!

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The other treat I chose to give out was Annie’s Homegrown Halloween Bunny Grahams. I love Annie’s Homegrown and thought they were a great little treat, even healthy enough to pack in lunches. The first ingredient is Organic Whole Grain Wheat Flour along with graham and corn flour and organic sweeteners. All ingredients are non-GMO so this one was another winner in my book.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL!! Enjoy the holiday safely Smile

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