Super Bowl Super Snacking

Super Bowl is once a year and it’s the most watched television program every single year, hands down! It’s also a night of beer, wings, chips, cheese, dips, crunchy, salty, cheesy snacking all night long. Did you Super Snack your way through the game and now you’re feeling super guilty?

Stop. Don’t beat yourself up. There is no good that could possibly come from negative thinking patterns.

Instead, dust yourself off and tell yourself it’s okay, and keep moving forward. Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy the company of friends, family, neighbors? Great!

Don’t let one night of heavy snacking ruin your day or week, bruise your self-image and make you feel like a bad person. These thoughts will make one night of overdoing it into days and weeks of negative thoughts and possibly ruin your current healthy eating habits. Long term over-eating will lead to weight gain. One night of a bit too much will not.

Increase your self love and appreciation, accept yourself as 100% human and be okay with your whole self. Healthy body image translates into healthy eating patterns and that results in healthy & happy living.

2 replies
  1. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    Great reminder, Pam.
    Whenever there’s a party, I always over do the carbs and feel like a 10 lb weight is sitting in my belly the next day. You learn, after doing that one too many times, it just isn’t worth it and then you prepare before hand.
    I always eat something healthy to fill me up before going to the party. Then I just nibble at the “forbidden fruits”.

  2. phiggins
    phiggins says:

    Thanks Joanne! I usually eat a light meal or snack before a party and pick sparingly. It’s too easy to over do it when there’s such a big variety of things to try.

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